Rapunzel – com escultura de Gonçalo Jardim & Just Waiting & and waiting



Just Waiting


and waiting

~ by rasgo on June 11, 2007.

13 Responses to “Rapunzel – com escultura de Gonçalo Jardim & Just Waiting & and waiting”

  1. Oh this is great! I love the way you created both images and the background is awesome!! nice work dear!!! keep it up!! love your work!!! Hugs Linda

  2. I love that background color. The texture in it is perfect. The eyes are great too, very intense.

  3. I love the woman’s body as part of the tree trunk. The background is cool too. Good job!


  4. Gostei muito desse último. Uma mulher árvore…hummm – Acho que vc poderia ilustrar um de meus contos. Estou dividamente preguiçoso, letárgico, derrotado, cansado e desmotivado para pegar os lapis, tesouras, pinceis, e criar.

  5. Are these gothic or is it Lacanian analysis?… There is no poetic rhetoric, only naked, naked, barren emotional violence. Go on, shock us again Filipa. You throw my soul on its knees.

  6. First time visitor to your blog – the work is really good. Disturbing and funny – just how I like it.

  7. Rapunzel in a pickel. Lovely stuff. Gives me an idea! Thanks for the visit… Are you in Paris or Portugal or Brazil? Ciao, Matthew

  8. Belissimo como sempre
    Seu trabalho cada dia cresce mais Filipa

    parabêns =)

  9. Very good, I like how you mix the bright backgrounds with the photos:)

  10. what a fascinating art technique you have created here! Love the unsual content and messages of the images

  11. querida homónima, estou fascinada com o teu trabalho, que enorme surpresa, a quantidade e qualidade da tua produção! é impressioante a evolução desde os primeiros que vi ao vivo e tenho muita curiosidade de ver estes tabém! PARABÉNS, keep on doing it! beijinhos, f

  12. HI i love your collages they have a lost of ironie and mistery
    I found your mixed tecniques very interesting
    all the best
    Federico – from the group of assemblages artists

  13. it’s kind an out of this world creation..but it is interesting to see..I’m amazed of your work.

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